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Looking for a new Fantasy Series?

Hi there,

This week I’m talking to Erin Powney who is a writer of YA fiction and fantasy.

Born in the United States into family with Irish origins, Erin always dreamed of visiting Ireland herself one day. Well, she not only made the trip, but she met her future husband and settled down there!

Erin found life in Ireland quite different to life in the US with its much slower pace and the cultural differences. However, this did not have much impact on her writing although one advantage of moving to another country was that she felt she was able to empathise more with her character, Jenelyn, which was a great help.

Erin started writing when she was ten years old and over the last twenty-seven years has always been working on stories. Last year she decided to pursue publishing.

At the moment, Erin is working on two YA contemporary fantasy series. The main series is Jenelyn's Journey, which will comprise of six books, and the companion prequel novella series is called The Journeys Begin. This companion series is of five books.

The two series follow a family tradition through five generations, travelling around the world and meeting real-life legends while being guided by mysterious ethereal entities, the Spirits.

The first book in each series has been published, with the second book in the main series releasing next year and the second novella currently being written.

Erin has also published a standalone YA historical fiction novel called Tom's Song. It's set in the early 20th century and is about an emotionally abused boy with a natural singing talent who struggles through multiple challenges to achieve his dream of joining an opera.

Erin describes her readers as being “the kind who love to eat books, enjoy classic reads, and are looking for emotional, character-driven stories”.

Thank you, for talking to me today, Erin.

You can find out more about Erin and her books at:

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